Yesterday was Friday and, as always, I had to buy a
USA Today to read their new movie reviews. I opened the paper up to their "Life" section, where I saw the poster pictured to the left. Apparently, Columbia has decided to release a
Spider-Man 3 poster to the public over a year before its theatrical release! As you can see, the poster features everyone's favorite superhero, looking very gloomy in a new black suit. After talking with somebody who's a big comic aficionado, he told me that the black suit could only mean one thing...Venom! What will become of the Spider-Man series? I don't know, but I have to say, that black suit is cool. Kinda reminds me of
that Will Smith song.
Nice blog btw--I do think you might be grasping at straws here. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see Venom realized on-screen and Spidey3 just may have that, but I think this poster is simply a dark B&W filter on his old costume in order to convey that this next film will be darker and Spidey has some dark days ahead--metaphorically speaking. (I also recommend the new Ultimate Spiderman video game (PS2) for fans of Venom--it's like playing in a comic book).
Actually, Sony has said that it will in fact be a black costume. I do think Spidey has some dark days ahead.
Hmmm... I'm a little worried about the black suit. I mean, the red and blue works really well for the movie, so why change it? Are they trying to match Spidey with the X-Men?
Nice blog. Oh, and drpsych, that's no filter. I'm a member of the Spider-Man movie mailing list, and the costume is indeed advertised as being black.
I suppose all questions will be answered in time...
Well, The black suit shouldn't be kept. If venom is at all going to be in the movie, spidey will get rid of the "black suit" and Brock gets it for himself. Who then becomes Venom. maybe carnage will be coming soon...awesome...
Is anyone else shaky about the rumors that Topher Grace (That '70s Show) is going to play Venom?
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